Sunny San Diego
In San Diego we stayed with a random bunch of college kids through To be honest we never even made into San Diego, they lived northwest of it in a place called Ocean Beach, yeah, real original name, that what we said too. We pulled up to these total strangers house and on the porch was a sea of people. It was a damn party, maybe for us, maybe not, but who cares? It was a freaking party and we were invited! Inside, everyone was, well, nice, but to be honest Brian and I felt ostracized like you wouldn’t believe. I can’t even explain it, I’ve tried to verbally and couldn’t and I sure as hell can’t write it down. We just didn’t fit in, our jokes fell flat and our conversation well ran dry. Nobody asked any questions and no one seemed to talk about anything at all. It seems as though the stoner-surfer-Cali stereotypes all rang true and we were just an audience to their west-coast show. Regardless, it was a blast and we stayed up late drinking and laughing with our new friends.
In the morning we got up and wouldn’t you believe it, it was cloudy. Sunny-fucking-San Diego. It’s like 80 degrees and sunny year round except maybe 4 days, and I guess we showed up for one of them. We walked down to the beach, a few blocks away, and watched the Women’s World Longboarding Championship. There were some good surfers but the weather didn’t follow their lead so we said goodbye to our hosts and got out of town, finally heading east for good.
In the morning we got up and wouldn’t you believe it, it was cloudy. Sunny-fucking-San Diego. It’s like 80 degrees and sunny year round except maybe 4 days, and I guess we showed up for one of them. We walked down to the beach, a few blocks away, and watched the Women’s World Longboarding Championship. There were some good surfers but the weather didn’t follow their lead so we said goodbye to our hosts and got out of town, finally heading east for good.